Education Center - AdoptHelp Giving The Gift of Family Sun, 03 Mar 2019 21:45:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pregnant and Need Help Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0000 Each year, many women discovery they are pregnant and need help. Finding someone you can trust to discuss options is the first step. We understand that making an adoption plan is never easy and we are sensitive to your personal needs. No matter what your ultimate decision is, at AdoptHelp you will feel valued and …Read More about Pregnant and Need Help

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Each year, many women discovery they are pregnant and need help. Finding someone you can trust to discuss options is the first step.

We understand that making an adoption plan is never easy and we are sensitive to your personal needs. No matter what your ultimate decision is, at AdoptHelp you will feel valued and respected.

Adoption is considered to be one of the most often used alternatives to abortion. There are, however, many options to explore before making your final decision. We would be honored to discuss all of your options so that you can make the best decision for you. If you decide that adoption is the right choice, you will have your own personal adoption advisor throughout your pregnancy and after your placement.

At AdoptHelp, unplanned pregnancy help is just an e-mail or phone call away. Whether you decide giving a child up for adoption or chose another path, we will support you in your choice and help you through every step of the process.

Alternatives to Abortion

You may find that many people who run programs for women with unplanned pregnancies are wholly motivated by their desire to educate women about alternatives to abortion.

At AdoptHelp, we respect each individual’s choices and are here to be supportive of whatever decision you make. We find that each woman explores adoption for different, yet equally important, reasons. Some are just not ready to be parents. For others, the focus is on ensuring that the baby grows up in a loving, secure and enriching family environment. Some find out about the pregnancy after they are no longer able to terminate the pregnancy or they just do not feel that abortion is the right choice for them. We recognize that the “right thing to do” is different for each woman and we are dedicated to exploring all options, passing no judgment, and providing unbiased and honest advice about the option of adoptions as alternatives to abortion so that you can make whatever choice that is right for you.

Unplanned Pregnancy Help

As you read this, you may have recently learned of your unplanned pregnancy. Help is immediately available. Our services are offered with compassion and respect, and you will always feel supported by our team.

If you are pregnant and need help, know that you are not alone. Our staff is here to provide you with immediate assistance.

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Newborn Adoption Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0000 Newborn adoption is a beautiful way to build families; however, the process can be daunting and challenging if you don’t have the right information and assistance. AdoptHelp has a newborn baby adoption program which handles every aspect of the adoption process. We offer peace of mind to prospective parents and birth parents by handling everything …Read More about Newborn Adoption

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Newborn adoption is a beautiful way to build families; however, the process can be daunting and challenging if you don’t have the right information and assistance.

AdoptHelp has a newborn baby adoption program which handles every aspect of the adoption process. We offer peace of mind to prospective parents and birth parents by handling everything from start to finish for birth parents and adoptive parents.

If you are expecting and want to choose a family for your baby, we invite you to explore adoption through our program. It is important to consider all of your adoption options and create a personal adoption plan that is right for you. AdoptHelp is here to help you create a personalized adoption plan and then handle every detail for you.

Open Adoptions

Open adoption is a very popular method of newborn baby adoption where a birth mother personally chooses the adoptive parent(s) and gets to know them during the pregnancy. In open adoptions everyone shares the experience of the pregnancy and birth together creating a very positive adoption story for the child.

In open adoptions, the birth mother knows the adoptive parent(s) and she can see if the baby is in great hands and whether she has made the right decision. The adoptive parents also get to know about the birth mother and why she is placing her baby for adoption. They can later on share this information and the family history with the baby. This information is not shared in a closed adoption.

Adoptive parent(s) are involved in doctor’s appointments and the labor and delivery of the baby. Adopted children will have their own baby book with pictures of their birth parents and adoptive parents celebrating their birth. Experts believe that these types of adoptions help build self-esteem in adopted children.

In most open adoptions, birth parents and adoptive parents generally say goodbye at the hospital and future contact is limited to a picture and letter exchange so that everyone knows how everyone is doing. In some instances, however, all parties wish to extend the open relationship beyond the birth.

Closed Adoption

In closed adoption, neither the birth mother nor the prospective adoptive parents know each other. There is no exchange of information in most closed forms of adoption. A closed adoption is often chosen for those who value privacy and confidentiality.

If You’re Pregnant, Adoption Is an Option

For many women who have unexpectedly learned that they are pregnant, adoption can be the answer. We are here to provide you all the information and help you need. From presenting you with profiles of wonderful prospective adoptive parents to assisting you in obtaining no-cost medical care to helping you make your labor and delivery plan, we’ll be here to handle all the details.

If you’re ready to start the process of newborn adoption whether it is an open or closed adoption, we can help you get started. We are ready to assist you on a 24-hour basis.

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Putting baby up for adoption Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0000 Some birth parents may have just typed the words “putting baby up for adoption or giving a child up for adoption” into a Web search and are beginning to consider options. Others may have been thinking about giving a baby for adoption for some time now and are ready to select a program and a family. AdoptHelp can …Read More about Putting baby up for adoption

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Some birth parents may have just typed the words “putting baby up for adoption or giving a child up for adoption” into a Web search and are beginning to consider options. Others may have been thinking about giving a baby for adoption for some time now and are ready to select a program and a family. AdoptHelp can help you put an adoption plan together, whether you just found out about the pregnancy or just delivered the baby.

No case is too early or too late for our team. If you are not ready to parent, you can still plan for your baby’s future by selecting a stable, loving family for your child. You can receive pictures and updates of the child you place. The AdoptHelp staff will discuss all of your options and provide adoption help so that you will feel comfortable with whatever choice you make.

Adoptive families must meet certain standards. They must have a completed home study prior to the finalization of the adoption. A home study is an evaluation of the family conducted by a private licensed adoption agency or public adoption agency. This evaluation is very thorough, including:

  • income verification
  • criminal background clearances
  • interviews
  • home inspection
  • references

If you’re a birth parent, you can find different adoption styles here, and can depend on us to work with you to find the right plan and the right family so that you can feel good about the decisions you make. For most birth mothers, we are able to help with costs of living, housing, medical expenses, and any other expenses related to the pregnancy and placement of the baby for adoption.

If you are in need of adoption help, contact us – we live to see the joy on people’s faces when an adoption concludes and all is well. Please feel free to read through our website and a sampling of the many success stories we have had the privilege of being a part of.

We Offer Adoption Help

It’s important to treat each member of the adoption triad (birthparents, adoptive parents, and child) with respect and care. Putting baby up for adoption or giving a child up for adoption is a decision that calls for a lot of heart from everyone involved.

At AdoptHelp, you can find all the adoption help you need including newborn adoptionpregnant adoption, and domestic adoption plan, etc., we offer services that will make this process as easy as possible.

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Domestic Infant Adoption Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0000 An independent adoption and an identified agency adoption are the two main methods used in domestic infant adoption. The benefit of being able to choose between an independent adoption and an identified agency adoption is you are able to choose a style that caters to your needs and preferences. An identified agency placement takes place …Read More about Domestic Infant Adoption

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An independent adoption and an identified agency adoption are the two main methods used in domestic infant adoption. The benefit of being able to choose between an independent adoption and an identified agency adoption is you are able to choose a style that caters to your needs and preferences.

An identified agency placement takes place when a birth mother relinquishes her parental rights to a licensed domestic adoption agency so that the adoption agency can place the baby with the adoptive parent(s) she selects or identifies. While the adoptive parent(s) take immediate physical custody of the baby from the hospital, the adoption agency maintains legal custody over the baby until the adoption is finalized. During that time, the domestic adoption agency assesses whether it believes that the placement is appropriate and then makes a recommendation to the Court.

An Independent or direct placement domestic infant adoption takes place when a birth mother selects adoptive parent(s) and then directly gives them physical and legal custody of the baby without the involvement of a domestic adoption agency. While a home study completed by a licensed domestic adoption agency is still required, independent or direct placement adoptions are primarily handled by adoption attorneys who utilize independent social workers. Independent or direct placement adoptions are streamlined and may provide birth parents and adoptive parents with a greater ability to pursue a customized adoption plan according to what is important to the parties involved.

Choosing how to adopt a baby depends on your personal preferences as well as the laws of the states involved. Indeed, some states have laws that make independent or direct placement domestic infant adoptions favorable, while other states prohibit adoptions that are not regulated by a licensed not-for-profit adoption agency.

In both of these common methods, domestic adoption attorneys terminate birth father rights, ensure compliance with the law of the states involved and finalize the adoption in court. At AdoptHelp, our job is to present all of the options to you, create an adoption plan that best protects your interests and then handle all of the details of your adoption.

We Offer an Adoption Attorney

At its core, adoption is a legal process. Adoption laws must be followed in the state where the birth parents reside and state in which the adoptive parent(s) reside. This can be challenging because the laws for how to adopt a baby often conflict between states. At AdoptHelp, an AdoptHelp Law Center adoption attorney is involved in every step of your adoption plan. This helps ensure that all regulations are followed and that the adoption you wish to pursue is one that will be granted by the judge responsible for overseeing the adoption.

Each AdoptHelp adoption attorney is licensed to practice law in California and has experience in handling interstate adoptions. We also work with adoption attorneys across the country who we can integrate into any adoption plan that requires the involvement of an out-of-state adoption attorney.

How to Adopt a Baby

As you learn about how to adopt a baby, remember that there are numerous approaches one can take in domestic adoption of infants. The ultimate goal of AdoptHelp is not to push anyone toward a generic plan, but to help everyone create a personalized adoption plan that is right for them. For more information, click on the link below.

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Adoption Attorney Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0000 Given the ever changing adoption regulations in each of the 50 states, we believe that hiring an adoption attorney is critical and should be done prior to creating any adoption plan. Among many other things, adoption laws across the country regulate the permissible ways adoptive parents can advertise or be introduced to birth parents. They …Read More about Adoption Attorney

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Given the ever changing adoption regulations in each of the 50 states, we believe that hiring an adoption attorney is critical and should be done prior to creating any adoption plan.

Among many other things, adoption laws across the country regulate the permissible ways adoptive parents can advertise or be introduced to birth parents. They regulate the types and amounts of pregnancy-related birth mother expenses that can be provided to a birth mother, whether an adoption attorney must be hired to represent the birth parents, the amount of counseling a birth parent must receive and the process and timing of obtaining irrevocable adoption consents.

Adoption is an intimate process. Be sure that you interview the adoption attorney you are thinking of retaining before you hire him or her. You also should check with the State Bar to see that they are in good standing and have no disciplinary record. Ask the prospective lawyer for a list of referrals and have a list of questions ready to ask about everything from their approach and personality to fees and fee structures.

Independent Adoption: One of the Leading Ways to Adopt

In the United States, independent adoption is one of the leading ways to adopt a newborn baby. This process usually is based on the open adoption concept in which a birth mother chooses the prospective adoptive parent(s) that she wants to adopt her baby, and the adoptive parent(s), after receiving full family history and medical records, choose to proceed with the adoption.

In an independent adoption, the birth parents sign placement papers that allow the adoptive parent(s) to take both legal and physical custody of the baby from the hospital. This means that the birth mother does not have to relinquish her parental rights to a licensed adoption agency that then takes legal custody of the child.

Independent adoption often is chosen by a birth mother because she does not want anyone other than the adoptive parent(s) she selects to take legal custody of the child. It also is selected by adoptive parents because it often is a quicker process than some of the other methods of adoption.

Each state has its own specific laws regarding this type of adoption. In a few states, adoption outside of an adoption agency is not legal. As always, it is important that you speak with an adoption attorney about the relevant laws in your state.

At AdoptHelp, we represent clients and birth parents in both independent and agency placements and believe that the benefits and liabilities of each method of adoption need to be explored on a client-by-client basis.

Whether you are a birth mother or a prospective adoptive parent researching your options, we welcome the opportunity to further discuss the best type of adoption for you. Our staff is available 24/7 to answer any questions that you have.

AdoptHelp Law Center is a full service adoption law firm. Each AdoptHelp Law Center adoption attorney is available 24/7 to discuss your options and we do not charge anything for a consultation.

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Information on Adoption Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0000 We recommend that everyone considering an adoption plan take the time to learn about the process and the professional you seek to hire before making any decisions. As you begin gathering information on adoption, we encourage you to look at all the choices you have available to you. While the Internet is a good source of …Read More about Information on Adoption

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We recommend that everyone considering an adoption plan take the time to learn about the process and the professional you seek to hire before making any decisions.

As you begin gathering information on adoption, we encourage you to look at all the choices you have available to you. While the Internet is a good source of data, it is important to remember that each of the 50 states has its own adoption laws. When you take into account that there are usually at least three different types of adoption one could pursue in each state, it means that there may be a 1 in 150 chance of any given law applying to you.

At AdoptHelp, our staff’s job is to be intimately familiar with domestic adoptionpregnant adoption and newborn adoption theories and practice as it applies across the country. If you have questions, one of our attorneys or staff professionals will be happy to provide you with answers. Whether you are a birth parent considering putting a baby for adoption or a prospective adoptive parent, we welcome your questions and concerns.

AdoptHelp law center is a fully licensed adoption law firm that works with birth mothers and prospective adoptive parents to achieve wonderful outcomes. The AdoptHelp team of adoption attorneys and case workers is dedicated to helping adoptive parents who would like to pursue domestic adoptions. This type of adoption occurs when the baby being placed for adoption is born in the United States and will be adopted by a resident of the United States. Contrary to a popular myth, domestic adoptions usually are equal or less expensive than international adoption, often are quicker, enable one to adopt a newborn baby, and generally provide adoptive parents with more information and control.

Learn more about how to adopt a baby.

Domestic Adoptions

Congratulations on beginning your exploration into domestic adoptions. For birth mothers, there are wonderful families waiting to adopt and domestic adoption gives you all the decision making power to create the adoption plan that is best for you. For adoptive parents, there are many birth mothers looking for families just like yours.

We are committed to helping birth mothers and adoptive parents through every step in the adoption process, providing guidance and information on adoption. No matter what level of openness or privacy you want in your adoption, we are here for you.

We welcome you to our site and invite you to find out additional information on adoption. If you have any questions about placing your baby for adoption or about adopting a baby, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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How to Adopt a Baby Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0000 As you consider how to adopt a baby, remember that there are many options. The level of contact between birth parents and adoptive parents ranges from completely closed to very open adoption. Closed adoptions are rare and usually are chosen when privacy is desired. In closed adoptions, the birth mother and the adoptive parents do not meet or …Read More about How to Adopt a Baby

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As you consider how to adopt a baby, remember that there are many options. The level of contact between birth parents and adoptive parents ranges from completely closed to very open adoption.

Closed adoptions are rare and usually are chosen when privacy is desired. In closed adoptions, the birth mother and the adoptive parents do not meet or know each other before or after the adoption and no information is exchanged.

Semi-open adoptions are extremely popular and are chosen when both the birth parents and the adoptive parent(s) want to get to know each other so they can all actively be involved in the pregnancy and birth of the baby. In a semi-open American adoption, the birth mother gets to know the adoptive couple and sees them in action so she can go forward knowing that the baby is in great hands and that she made a good decision.

In semi-open adoptions, the adoptive parents get to know the birth mother and learn about important family history, who the birth parents are and why they are giving the baby for adoption. They also get to be involved in doctor’s appointments and the labor and delivery of the baby.

Children of semi-open adoption get to have their own baby book with pictures of their birth parents and adoptive parents together celebrating the event. In semi-open adoptions, birth parents and adoptive parents usually say goodbye at the hospital and future contact is limited to a picture and letter exchange just so that everyone knows that all are doing well. Many experts believe that hearing a beautiful adoption story in which everyone came together out of love for the baby helps boost an adopted child’s self esteem.

Fully open adoptions, while far less common, are similar to semi-open adoptions except the open relationship extends beyond the birth. Indeed, in a fully open adoption, birth parents and adoptive parents consider themselves linked by their relationship with the child. It is common for all to come together a few times a year at holidays and birthdays like extended family.

In American adoption, the level of contact between birth parents and adoptive parents greatly varies because there are birth parents and adoptive parents throughout the country looking for different levels of contact. The job of AdoptHelp or any other adoption professional is to help people understand the options for how to adopt a baby and then create an adoption plan in which people seeking the same type of adoption plans can find each other.

Remember, there is no single “right way” to go about adoption. In the end, the comfort and happiness of the birth mother, the adoptive parents and the child should be the deciding factor.

American Adoption

An American adoption is a domestic adoption whereby the baby to be adopted is born in the United States and is adopted by a resident of the United States. (In an international adoption, the baby is born in a foreign country and the adoption takes place in the country where the child is born before the child enters the United States.) No matter which state you live in, the vast majority of adoptive parents will need to obtain a home study and hire an attorney to both clear the child for adoption and to finalize the adoption in court.

If you are interested in learning how to adopt a baby, we congratulate and welcome you. At AdoptHelp, we are here to assist you in every aspect of your adoption journey. We pride ourselves on our dedication, experience and success rate.

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Single Parent Adoption Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0000 Our Center receives numerous inquiries daily from prospective adoptive parent(s) who desire information about the adoption process, as well as information about our services. As some inquiries are from prospective adoptive parent(s) who are “considering” adoption, and others are from prospective adoptive parent(s) who are “actively pursuing” an adoption plan, we have designed this website …Read More about Single Parent Adoption

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Our Center receives numerous inquiries daily from prospective adoptive parent(s) who desire information about the adoption process, as well as information about our services. As some inquiries are from prospective adoptive parent(s) who are “considering” adoption, and others are from prospective adoptive parent(s) who are “actively pursuing” an adoption plan, we have designed this website to provide as much information as possible for both types of prospective adoptive parent(s). Additionally, AdoptHelp does maintain an “in-house” list of clients nationwide who have previously adopted through the Center, and who have generously offered to speak with potential adopting parents who are considering utilizing our services in their adoption pursuit. Upon reviewing our materials and retainer Agreement, we would be happy to assist you further by providing references.

In the last twenty years there has been a steady, sizable increase in the number of single parent adoptions – some people feel that it is the fastest growing trend in the adoption field. The outlook for single parent adoption is encouraging as it becomes more widely accepted. Concerns over single parent adoptions should be laid to rest by the many benefits single parents have to offer children in need of a home. The number one reason single parents want to adopt is the fact that their own childhood was fulfilling and happy and they are ready to share that experience. Single parents approach adoption with the same commitment and devotion as a married couple. There is no reason to discriminate against a single person for adopting a child when she/he is quite capable of providing a stable and nurturing environment. A single parent can provide a loving and nurturing home for a child. Adoptive single parents use family and friends for extended support. They give their child their full attention and all of their love. Financially, they have planned for the future and the majority of single adoptive parents are settled in their careers.

The latest research indicates that children raised in single adoptive parent families compare favorably with other adopted children and show a healthy involvement with friends and family as well as in the activities of their age group. For more information, please contact the Committee For Single Adoptive Parents, P.O. Box 15084, Chevy Chase, MD 20825. The Committee serves as a clearinghouse for singles seeking information. The modest membership fee entitles one to a listing of agencies and other contacts, with updates, as well as recommended readings and information about recent adoptions.

Our office and support network is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us in confidence… assistance with your adoption is just a phone call 800-637-7999 or email away.

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Adoption Help Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:00:00 +0000 At AdoptHelp, we work with couples and singles wishing to adopt and birth parents looking to place their baby for adoption. We pride ourselves on our team of birth mother advocates and adoptive family caseworkers. We are a full service adoption center that handles every step of your adoption plan from start to finish. Our …Read More about Adoption Help

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At AdoptHelp, we work with couples and singles wishing to adopt and birth parents looking to place their baby for adoption. We pride ourselves on our team of birth mother advocates and adoptive family caseworkers. We are a full service adoption center that handles every step of your adoption plan from start to finish. Our mission is to provide unparalleled adoption help with dignity, compassion, support, professionalism and care.

For those who are pregnant and need help placing your baby for adoption, we assist in the creation of an adoption plan that is right for you. At AdoptHelp, each newborn adoption, pregnant adoption and domestic adoption plan is custom created to meet your specific needs and goals. The staff of AdoptHelp is here to help birth mothers during their pregnancy, as well as the time after birth. We are here to provide support emotionally and someone to confide in throughout the adoption process to ensure a successful experience for everyone.

Pregnant and Need Help?

If you are pregnant and are considering adoption, we are here for you. When you are pregnant and need help, it becomes very important to find people who you can trust as you make an adoption decision. At AdoptHelp, our staff is here for you 24/7 and will be nonjudgmental, supportive, and ready to assist you in tackling any problem you may have.

As part of our adoption help services, we can present you with wonderful stable, secure and loving adoptive families that fit your specific criteria so that you can choose the adoption plan and family that best fits you.

There is never any cost associated with putting a child up for adoption and in most cases, depending on state law, your medical, counseling, housing/rent, food, utilities, transportation costs and other adoption help during your third trimester and for a period after delivery are covered. We pride ourselves on our immediate response team of people who are available to assist you at a moment’s notice.

Regardless of whether you seek an open adoption or a closed adoption, there are wonderful loving and secure adoptive parents out there who want the same thing. Your adoption plan can be as personal as you are, and we’ll be supportive of any choices you make.

Newborn Adoption

Newborn adoption is a process where birth parents and adoptive parents come together out of love for a baby to ensure that the baby has a loving stable family. Contact between the parties can range from fully closed to very open. In addition to selecting the family, birth parents provide all of the important family history and medical information so that the baby can benefit from this important information.

Newborn adoption is particularly special because adoptive parents can be present for the birth and take the baby directly home from the hospital.

At AdoptHelp, we are a private team of experienced caseworkers and attorneys who specialize in domestic newborn adoption in California. If you are pregnant and need help, or want to learn more about the miracle of adopting a newborn we are here for you.

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Support for Unplanned Pregnancy Sat, 12 Jun 2010 00:00:24 +0000 An unexpected pregnancy can be one of the most difficult and emotional times in a woman’s life. If you are in this situation, know that we at AdoptHelp are ready and eager to help you through this time. With our experience in offering support for unplanned pregnancy situations, you can feel secure, knowing that we …Read More about Support for Unplanned Pregnancy

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An unexpected pregnancy can be one of the most difficult and emotional times in a woman’s life. If you are in this situation, know that we at AdoptHelp are ready and eager to help you through this time. With our experience in offering support for unplanned pregnancy situations, you can feel secure, knowing that we have the expertise you need as you consider adoption.

We are here to help women of all ages and backgrounds who are pregnant, need help, and want to further explore their options. There are no hoops to jump through with AdoptHelp. Most birth mothers choose AdoptHelp because we encourage birth parents to create a personalized adoption plan based solely on what is important to them.

We know that making an adoption decision is never easy, and we provide birth mothers with dedicated problem solvers to speak with and confide in. We are committed to assisting you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have a wide range of wonderful pre-screened adoptive parents who would be thrilled to be considered by you. In most cases, we can also provide financial assistance with living expenses, housing, medical and counseling.

Read more about putting a baby up for adoption.

Pregnant, Need Help, and Considering Adoption?

If you are pregnant, need help, and want to explore adoption, we are here for you. We have wonderful prospective adoptive families available for you to consider. In addition to personally selecting the adoptive family, you can make all decisions, including whether you want to pursue a closed or open adoption

In most cases, our services include financial assistance with living expenses, housing, medical expenses, and even legal help, should that need arise. You will be treated with the respect and dignity you deserve as you decide on an adoption plan that is right for you. We are not here to ask a million questions – only to offer support for unplanned pregnancy situations and help you make an adoption plan that you can be proud of.

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