Latest Publications on Recent Child Birth by AdoptHelp Giving The Gift of Family Sat, 02 Mar 2019 19:01:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Baby Gabe Mon, 21 Jun 2010 01:00:40 +0000 It was a Saturday afternoon. My cell phone rang and our coordinator said “surprise, we have a baby for you!” The baby was born that morning in another part of the state. The birth mother did not want to be involved and we needed to get on the road NOW! Because you need a good …Read More about Baby Gabe

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It was a Saturday afternoon. My cell phone rang and our coordinator said “surprise, we have a baby for you!” The baby was born that morning in another part of the state. The birth mother did not want to be involved and we needed to get on the road NOW! Because you need a good story to tell…my husband was not home. He was 3 hours away hiking in an area where there was no cell phone reception. So it was all on me! A friend came to my house within 5 minutes to take my older son. And within 30 minutes, I was on the road to make a 7 ½ hour drive by myself to meet our baby! I did not know the sex of the baby. We had absolutely nothing prepared to take care of a baby…clothes, diapers, car seat, or crib. To say that my head was spinning is an understatement!

My husband ended up making a plane reservation to fly up to join me first thing the next morning. I kept driving and made it to the hospital around 11:30pm. The nurse took me to the nursery and led me to a bassinet where I met our precious, beautiful baby BOY! My husband met him the next morning. We were discharged from the hospital that afternoon and we drove another 7 ½ hours bringing our little guy home to meet his brother. It was a whirlwind of a weekend!
We had almost given up hope and now here we are with a baby that is the perfect fit for our family. It is truly amazing. We have 2 beautiful boys. Our family is complete. Dreams really do come true.

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Baby Gwynn Mon, 21 Jun 2010 00:00:40 +0000 After years of having difficulty conceiving, we decided to explore adoption. When we met with Mark at AdoptHelp, we knew adoption was the right path for us. He answered every question we had, was down to earth, and very professional. We will never forget the phone call telling us we had been chosen by a …Read More about Baby Gwynn

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After years of having difficulty conceiving, we decided to explore adoption. When we met with Mark at AdoptHelp, we knew adoption was the right path for us. He answered every question we had, was down to earth, and very professional.
We will never forget the phone call telling us we had been chosen by a birthmother! We had been matched only 5 months after completing our profile. Our first phone conversation with the birthmother lasted over 2 hours! We felt an immediate connection with her. Two weeks before her due date, we flew to Texas to meet her and the birthfather in person. At the end of the weekend, our daughter decided to come into the world two weeks early! She is the light of our lives and we cannot imagine life without her. Thank you AdoptHelp, for making our dreams of having a family come true!

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Baby Brianna Sun, 20 Jun 2010 01:00:40 +0000 We made our final decision to pursue adoption while vacationing on the beach in St. Lucia, it was September. We spent the rest of that year attending adoption seminars, meeting with national and local private agencies as well as researching adoption through the Department of Health and Family Services. After meeting Mark in December we …Read More about Baby Brianna

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We made our final decision to pursue adoption while vacationing on the beach in St. Lucia, it was September. We spent the rest of that year attending adoption seminars, meeting with national and local private agencies as well as researching adoption through the Department of Health and Family Services. After meeting Mark in December we knew this was the law firm for us, he was very down to earth, friendly and honest. The values of AdoptHelp were very much in line with our own and we really liked the fact that they work with people from all walks of life. We officially joined the AdoptHelp program in January. Almost one day to the year, our cell phone rang giving us the news that a birth mother chose us. We immediately went in to action: travel plans, baby supplies, house sitter for our dogs, etc. We were on the first flight to the east coast after receiving the call from the birth mother that she was in labor. The next day, our beautiful angel was born (Best day of our lives). We arrived at the hospital 30 minutes after the birth mother checked in and she has been in our arms/lives ever since. My husband even got to cut the umbilical cord. The whole experience was a dream come true and AdoptHelp was there to assist every step of the way.

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Baby Michael Sun, 20 Jun 2010 00:00:40 +0000 Baby Michael has been a blessing for us since the moment we laid eyes on him and heard his first cry. As soon as we got married, we knew we wanted to start a family right away. We both have family and friends who have become parents by adoption and we have seen personally the …Read More about Baby Michael

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Baby Michael has been a blessing for us since the moment we laid eyes on him and heard his first cry. As soon as we got married, we knew we wanted to start a family right away. We both have family and friends who have become parents by adoption and we have seen personally the love and devotion of their families. We were excited at the possibility of adoption but were overwhelmed by the whole process. We heard it would take years to adopt internationally and thought domestic adoption was impossible. When we contacted Adopt Help, they were very warm and personable and reassured us that domestic adoption was achievable and that we would definitely become parents more quickly than we thought.
Months would pass and there were moments when we thought our dream of having a child would never happen, but Adopt Help always reassured us that it definitely would. Well, they were right. Months later, when we least expected it, we got a call from Meredith who then told us a Birth mom was 8 months pregnant and chose us as potential parents for her child. We were so overjoyed and nervous at the same time. Things had to move quickly and we didn’t have to time to be nervous or think about all the details. Adopt Help guided us through every step of the way from beginning to end. Three weeks later we drove 10 hours and we were in the delivery room with both birthparents while our little baby boy was born. We fell in love with Michael right away and there is no doubt that he is meant to be our son.

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Baby Sammy Sat, 19 Jun 2010 01:00:40 +0000 We were chosen by our baby’s birthmother six weeks before she gave birth to our son Sammy. Our bags were packed and we were prepared to fly across the country to meet the birthmother in the afternoon when we got the call at 5:45 a.m. that she was in labor and had been admitted to …Read More about Baby Sammy

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We were chosen by our baby’s birthmother six weeks before she gave birth to our son Sammy. Our bags were packed and we were prepared to fly across the country to meet the birthmother in the afternoon when we got the call at 5:45 a.m. that she was in labor and had been admitted to the hospital. We rushed off to the airport to catch the next flight and get our older son off to his grandparents. An hour and a half after arriving at the hospital, baby Sammy was born and we witnessed his arrival, cut his umbilical cord, and gave him his first kiss. Our AdoptHelp caseworker helped us deal with hospital red tape so that we could start spending every moment with our baby boy. We continued talking with the birthmother and her family during this time, getting to know them and working out how we would keep in touch. While tears were shed by all, we were grateful for the opportunity to meet this loving family and for the amazing gift the birthmother gave us. We now feel so blessed to have baby Sammy in our lives. His smile lights up the faces of everyone he meets and he gives us more joy than words can express.

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Baby Milo Sat, 19 Jun 2010 00:00:40 +0000 We knew we wanted to adopt, but there were so many options to choose from. We spent a year researching international vs. domestic, agency vs. attorney adoption, and we learned a lot! Early on, however, AdoptHelp became our first choice. We wanted to bring a baby home from the hospital, and we wanted it to …Read More about Baby Milo

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We knew we wanted to adopt, but there were so many options to choose from. We spent a year researching international vs. domestic, agency vs. attorney adoption, and we learned a lot! Early on, however, AdoptHelp became our first choice. We wanted to bring a baby home from the hospital, and we wanted it to be the right match. And that is exactly what we got!
We really liked the AdoptHelp matching process because they let our family profile speak to the birth mothers directly. Olga helped us design a terrific profile, and we were in a match within five months. Our birth mother was a college student in northern California who was due in ten days. We were nervous about changing our lives on such short notice but, after a long phone call with both birth parents, we knew it was a perfect fit.
Nine days later, we were planning to meet the birth parents in a hospital here in L.A. That morning, however, Mark called to say there was a change of plans: our birth mother was going into labor in her dorm room! We threw our brand-new infant seat in the car and drove five hours north, getting to the hospital two hours after Milo was born. We walked into the delivery room and the birth mother said it was time for Milo’s parents to hold him. We will never forget that moment—or any minute of that wonderful day!
Milo is three months old now, and we are amazed by how much he has grown in such a short amount of time. He is a healthy, happy baby, and parenthood is even better than we thought it would be. We take lots of photos of Milo every day, just like we promised the birth mother in our family profile. We can’t wait to show that profile to Milo in a couple years—along with a photo album of the day he was born!

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Baby Addison Fri, 18 Jun 2010 01:00:40 +0000 In our decision to adopt, we researched several adoption agencies and decided upon AdoptHelp and together with our caseworker we started the journey that would change our lives. After completing our birth mother letter, our caseworker called and said that she had some great news; we were chosen by a birth mother and she was …Read More about Baby Addison

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In our decision to adopt, we researched several adoption agencies and decided upon AdoptHelp and together with our caseworker we started the journey that would change our lives. After completing our birth mother letter, our caseworker called and said that she had some great news; we were chosen by a birth mother and she was due in two weeks! We talked with the birth mother that night and everything fell into place. We originally planned on flying to Kansas the day before the scheduled birth in order to be there when our daughter was welcomed into this world but it seemed that she was on her own schedule and the birth mother went into labor almost a week early. After receiving the call from the birth mother at the hospital, we frantically rearranged our flight from Washington DC to Kansas hoping to arrive before our daughter was born. Although we missed the birth by a few hours we were holding our daughter that day and with the help of AdoptHelp we were able to bring her 9 days later. There were no words to describe the overwhelming feeling of love and completeness and we thank AdoptHelp for making our dreams come true and forever grateful to the birthmother for giving us our most precious gift, Addison.

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Baby Larissa Fri, 18 Jun 2010 00:00:40 +0000 We chose adoption after realizing that we were unable to conceive. It was an easy decision for us, as we had agreed early on that it was more important for us to experience the joys of parenthood and to give a child a loving and secure home that it might not otherwise have, than it …Read More about Baby Larissa

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We chose adoption after realizing that we were unable to conceive. It was an easy decision for us, as we had agreed early on that it was more important for us to experience the joys of parenthood and to give a child a loving and secure home that it might not otherwise have, than it was to have a biological child. After researching several agencies we chose to work with AdoptHelp on our adoption journey. We were chosen by a wonderful woman who was struggling to raise 3 children, and felt she could not adequately support the fourth that she was 6 months pregnant with. As she said the first time we spoke to her, “love is not enough”. She is one of the most loving, caring people you could wish to meet, but knew that she wanted her child to have better opportunities and more stability in life than she ever had, in addition to being loved.
We flew to Texas to meet the birth parents prior to Larissa’s birth, and then went back to Texas again for the birth. We are so grateful that we got to meet the birth parents and to get to know them just a little bit before Larissa was born. We remain in touch with the birthmother, and feel it is so important to do so in case Larissa ever wants to know more about where she came from when she’s older.
Larissa is a wonder and a joy. She makes us laugh and smile every single day. We are so grateful for her, and love her very much.

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Baby Austen Thu, 17 Jun 2010 01:00:40 +0000 I was with my mom and a friend in London when I received an urgent message from my sister: A baby was to be born and call Meredith from AdoptHelp immediately! When I spoke to Meredith, I learned that I was the #1 choice of a birthmother who’s due date was in 5 days – …Read More about Baby Austen

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I was with my mom and a friend in London when I received an urgent message from my sister: A baby was to be born and call Meredith from AdoptHelp immediately! When I spoke to Meredith, I learned that I was the #1 choice of a birthmother who’s due date was in 5 days – the day we were flying back home! It took about 8 months for the birthmother to find me, although I had been in “the adoption process” for several years – initially pursuing the international route. When I learned how good AdoptHelp was, I immediately switched over to domestic.
Full of excitement, I said “YES!” right away to Meredith and my very short Phase II period began. Over the next few days there were lots of discussions on just what to call my new little boy. “Austen” seemed so fitting since we were following the footsteps of my favorite historical person and author (Jane Austen) when I heard the wonderful news. The next day I called this birthmother and we had a good talk. We were both a little nervous (I know I was), shed a few tears, and she told me that she looked at herself as a surrogate… knowing that she wasn’t able to take care of a baby but wanted to do good for everyone. We met in person a week later (luckily she surpassed her due date by a week which gave me time to prepare for the new arrival); the next time we met was in the delivery room when I helped deliver beautiful Austen and cut his umbilical cord. Since then it’s been the most amazing year. Austen will soon be one and is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

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Baby Jacob Thu, 17 Jun 2010 00:00:40 +0000 It was love at first sight when adopting parents Paul and Roberta met 15 years ago. They had talked about adoption for years and when they found out they were not able to have more biological children, the final decision for them to adopt was easy. They could not have expected the phone call they …Read More about Baby Jacob

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It was love at first sight when adopting parents Paul and Roberta met 15 years ago. They had talked about adoption for years and when they found out they were not able to have more biological children, the final decision for them to adopt was easy. They could not have expected the phone call they received one afternoon from their AdoptHelp caseworker telling them that Baby Jacob had been born the night before and that Baby Jacob’s birth mother had contacted AdoptHelp and chosen them to be his adopting parents. Immediately, Roberta jumped into the car and drove two hours to the hospital and Paul left his work and followed soon after her. Roberta and Paul saw Baby Jacob that night and it was love at first sight… again!

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